Guest Starring: 
 Emma Caulfield: 
 Amber Benson: 
 Seth Green: 
 Leonard Roberts: 
 Leonard Roberts: 
 Conor O'Farrell: 
 (Colonel McNamara) 
 George Hertzberg: 
  19. New Moon Rising.  
  Oz returns to Sunnydale with the hope of getting back together with Willow, but she has moved on.  
  Great quotes:  
Oz and Willow reconcile their relationship.
  • Spike: "You were a boy scout?" Adam: "Parts of me."
  • Oz: "It's all about keeping your inner cool." Willow: "Yeah cos you were such a spaz before."
  • Buffy: "I'm all with the woohoo here and you're not." Willow: "No; there's woo and then there's hoo."
  • Buffy describes Spike as "Someone formerly dangerous and currently annoying."
  • Willow to Oz: "I feel like part of me will always be waiting for you. Like if I'm old and blue-haired and I turn a corner in Istanbul and there you are, I wont be surprised."
  Fantastic moments:  
Buffy breaks into the Initiative, again.
  • There's a great moment when Anya shuts down the city power grid, "Slap my hand now!" she tells Giles. They perform a rather awkward 'high-five'.
  • Finally BtVS openly takes on the 'gay' issue. Thankfully none of the characters stand up and make any awfully pompous speeches about freedom of choice and such like. Willow's sexuality is not the main issue; it's simply something that bubbles under the surface while the drama is played out. In the coming years we would see the writers on BtVS do a fine job of using Willow's sexuality as a strong focal point for the series' plots.
  • Let's have a collective 'aah' for the finale couple of scenes. Willow and Oz part in good cheer before she goes and declares her love for Tara. Wipe that tear out of your eye!
  Duff Bits:  
  • One or two questions have to be raised about Initiative security. We know that the Scoobies are good at what they do but how realistic is it that they can walk in and out of a US military secret installation at will on a weekly basis?
  Dean's comments:  
An unholy alliance.
A very nice episode that does the usual 'Buffy' thing, i.e. deal with a real-life situation through a supernatural metaphor. The story operates on two levels; firstly it is almost a partner to 'Who are you' in that Riley is forced (again) to look beyond concepts of right and wrong or good and evil when dealing with Oz. Secondly the script juxtaposes Buffy's reaction to finding out about Willow's homosexuality ("That's great 'Will'!") against Riley's discovery that Willow had a relationship with a werewolf. Thank god Riley finally comes out the other side of his military training as a normal person. "I'm an anarchist." he proudly declares to his former commanding officer. By the way, I love the fact that the US military is seen to portray anyone who is against the status quo as a hippie / anarchist type. I suppose you can argue that the outcome is a little predictable, but thankfully no one gets on a soapbox about gay rights and the ending, in which Willow goes to Tara to tell her she wants to be with her, is touching and very cuddly.
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